• Stereolithographieteile in hochauflösender 0,05mm Schichtstärke gebaut.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil ohne Finish.SLA model without finish.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil geschliffen und gestrahlt.SLA model honed and sand blasted.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil glasklar hochglanzpoliert.SLA model high gloss polished.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil vakuumbedampft.SLA model vacuum vaporized.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil chromSLA model in red chrome-look coated.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil gold.SLA model in golden-chrome-look coated. Other colours are also available.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil alu.SLA model in aluminium-look coated.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil edelstahl gebürstet.SLA model in stainless-steel-look coated.
  • Stereolithograhpieteil gefärbt, farbig lackiert.SLA models pigmented, other colours are also available.


We offer the possibility of prototypes with different surfaces and coatings. This allows the process to be optimally adapted to your needs in order to achieve the desired effect.